Kino Otok - Isola Cinema
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Submissions of short films for the Video on the Beach 2023 open! Deadline 30 March.

From 7 till 11 June 2023 the 19. edition of Kino Otok – Isola Cinema International Film Festival will again brighten the silver screens in Izola and around Slovenia. The Dynamic and dynamite section Video on the Beach section will once again bring a fresh selection of edgy free-spirited shorts and their authors to the screen under the stars. Submit your films till 30 March 2023.

In the Video on the Beach section, Kino Otok supports screenings of film production by new generations of emerging filmmakers, which explores the wealth and daring of film expression in both form and content. In addition to Slovenian independent production, the section also screens films from neighbouring countries and beyond. Video on the Beach is not a competition programme, but rather, it functions as an exploratory platform that enables not only public screenings of films, but also a dialogue, an exchange of ideas and experiences between the visiting established filmmakers and those who are either at the beginning of their film career or those whose work places them outside the established spaces of conventional and market-oriented filmmaking.

We call on young filmmakers (young at heart, that is) from Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Austria and beyond to submit their works, which, if selected, will be screened during the festival in a relaxed atmosphere under the stars in close proximity to the Lighthouse beach in Izola.

The selected authors will be entitled to:
• festival pass that enables access to all screenings, PRO and other events,
• free-of-charge camping at the festival camp Scamp,
• presentation of their film in the official festival catalogue.

There are no restrictions on film genres. Documentary, fiction, experimental or animated shorts should first and foremost be marked by unbridled, free and affiliative spirit that in one way or another does away with a series of constructed social, religious, cultural, ethnic, political, intergenerational and, of course, expressive barriers.

Length of submitted films: under 30 minutes. Films completed in 2022 or 2023 will be given priority. There are no limits to the number of entries by one filmmaker, but these have to be submitted separately. Video on the Beach does not require a submission fee.

You are invited to submit a completed online SUBMISSION FORM with attachments by Thursday, 30 March 2023.

Video on the Beach programmers are Matevž Jerman, film critic, editor, curator, director and co-founder of Society for Short Film Promotion Kraken, and Programme Assistant at the Slovenian Cinematheque, and Mila Peršin, an author who focuses on film programming, film directing and acting while studying at the AVA Academy of Visual Arts, and works as part of the DobraVaga gallery team.

For more information please write to We are looking forward to your submission(s)!

See you at Otok!